What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions taken to sustainably protect, manage and restore ecosystems, while at the same time providing benefits to human well-being and biodiversity. The NbS approach has seen uptake from governments, communities and organizations around the world as a holistic approach to reducing the impact of climate change, disasters, and environmental degradation. NbS cover a range of different approaches including targeted solutions for ecosystem-based adaptation, integrated management approaches, ecological restoration, integration of green and blue infrastructure, and protected area management.
In 2022, The UN Environment Assembly voted to recognize and define Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in a resolution: UNEP/EA.5/Res.5.
How can Nature-based Solutions contribute to Peace & Security?
The improved understanding of the environmental dimensions of conflict and their link with peace and security raises the question of how to address such impacts. The relationships between environment, climate, natural resources, conflict and peace are complex. However, incorporating these linkages in programming is increasingly recognized as crucial for sustainable peacebuilding efforts, whether this is in terms of contributing to short-term stability or maintaining sustainable development in years to come.
Effective, sustainable management of natural resources is key to the peacebuilding process, helping to build resilience in infrastructure, livelihoods and food security in situations of environmental and climate stress. These actions can also reduce the drivers of conflicts over access to natural resources. NbS for the prevention and restoration of environmental degradation as an underlying risk factor for disasters can help to minimize exposure and vulnerability to a range of hazards. Those which address environmental damage caused by conflict can mitigate against potential resource crises and health impacts in post-conflict environments.
However, while the NbS framework has been advocated by many, others have pointed to important flaws, shortcomings and risks associated with it. These include, but are not limited to, the risk of avoiding carbon reduction through carbon offsetting, land grabbing and insufficient consent from local communities, militarised conservation, and insufficient focus on justice. It is crucial to learn from both successful experiences and failures to ensure the correct, conflict-sensitive implementation of NbS and positive local impacts in the most vulnerable communities worldwide.
More background information on NbS for Peace can be found in:
- UNEP Perspectives paper by PAX on Nature in Action for Peace: Challenges and Opportunities to Address Environmental Dimensions of Conflict through Nature-based Solutions (2024);
- United Nations University, Centre for Policy Research Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding (2023);
- the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue report on Linking Conservation and Peacemaking (2023);
- Geneva Environment Network’s Nature-based Solutions Dialogues on Nature-based Solutions and Peacebuilding (2021);
- IUCN’s report on Nature-based Solutions to address global societal challenges (2016) and the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions (2020);
- work by the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA), including IUCN, IFRC, and partners on NbS in humanitarian contexts and Green humanitarian response.
Tools and guidance notes on NbS for peace and security

Other catalogs of nature-based solutions
When implemented towards specific peace and security goals and with conflict-sensitive approaches, the NbS gathered in the catalogs below can provide further inspiration to deal with environmental and climate issues in conflict-affected settings.