
Campesinos de Santa Rosa

Cauca, Colombia 2019 -

Brisas del Macizo Foundation, municipality of Santa Rosa, PAX en Colombia

Breve descripción
The community of Santa Rosa is located in the southwest of Colombia, in the south of the province of Cauca, 270 kilometres from its capital (Popayán). It has a strong indigenous presence but is also known for the arrival and transit of settlers, peasants. They work this land as agriculturalists, which is also rich in extractive resources and spectacular nature, far away from centres of commercialisation and governance.

A local initiative established an intercultural and interethnic roundtable, as a result of increased cooperation between the different groups to improve land access and rights. In 2019, PAX supported the realization of the diploma “Nature conservation, peacebuilding, and sustainable development” in collaboration with other organizations and the programme ‘Guardianship Action’ in which ex-combatants and youth are trained in the exploration of local ecosystems, nature conservation management and protection in the Amazon and its legal bases, and ecotourism. 65 leaders, consisting of representatives of the Inter-ethnic and Intercultural Roundtable and ex-combatants, participated in the course.

Further, this community is making another great effort with the support of PAX Colombia and other organizations towards the resolution of land use conflicts. In the Inter-ethnic and Intercultural Roundtables, actions have been initiated so that all ethnic groups in the area can raise their land-related concerns and needs. For example, it has been expressed that there are indigenous reservations that need expansion. The need was also raised to delimit new environmental protection areas and buffer zones of national natural parks. This was realised in 2022, when the Santa Rosa Farmer’s Reserve Area (Zona de Reserva Campesina), comprising 176,000 hectares, was established.

Lastly, we highlight the efforts by a group of young people, mostly from peasant families in the municipality of Santa Rosa, that as a team promote new practices to make their territory known, empower themselves, and build a community commitment to peace. The inclusive youth organisation “Fundación Brisas del Macizo” seeks to rebuild the social fabric and community resilience through self-management. They especially recognize the environmental importance of their region and took their name from the most important water source in Colombia: the Colombian massif from which the Magdalena, Patía, Putumayo, Caquetá, and Cauca rivers originate. One of its commitments, in addition to the initiatives to protect natural wealth, is influencing local (municipal) policy. Brisas del Macizo aims to organize young people to build territorial peace, respect different beliefs, recognise the diversity of culture, and protect their region’s biological diversity, through political recognition and youth led projects.

Propósito principal
Conservación/restauración de la biodiversidad,
Provisión / protección / diversificación del empleo y los medios de vida / reducción de la pobreza,
Fortalecimiento de la cultura indígena,
Punto de entrada para el diálogo y la mediación entre grupos en conflicto,
Demobilization, disarmament and reintegration of combatants

Otros beneficios esperados
Food security
Increased stocks for fishing and hunting
Igualdad y seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra,
Reducir la competencia por los recursos naturales,
Reduced illegal resource exploitation / poaching
Trust building between conflicting groups

Youth engagement committed to social organization, political participation, ecology, human rights and interculturality in Santa Rosa, Colombia. Credits: PAX en Colombia 2020.

Contexto de conflicto
A large part of the peasants in this region have been victims of displacement and other victimizing events due to the armed conflict in the region. In its worst year of the war, it had 6,000 inhabitants and one in 6 was a direct or indirect victim of the conflict. Access to subsistence resources was threatened by the presence of armed groups in rural areas. As a result, many young people were recruited by armed groups or were forced to join, and, without government protection, many were victims of violence.

The youth population played a key role in the development of the armed conflict, as war became a means of subsistence. Boys and girls had to enlist in illegal groups or the army and/or were victims of forced recruitment. The population, without jobs and opportunities, was targeted by any of the actors and this was reflected in the large number of rural victims.

Additionally, the region still hosts many illegal land-use activities, such as illegal timber extraction, coca plantations, and mining of mineral resources, which are undermining both a healthy environment and the peace process.

Contribuciones a la paz y la seguridad
The community of Santa Rosa has demonstrated with various concrete activities how their efforts towards a peaceful future with economic opportunities are supported by the protection and sustainable management of their nature and land. The community of Santa Rosa has demonstrated with various concrete activities how their efforts towards a peaceful future with economic opportunities are supported by the protection and sustainable management of their nature and land. The programme created new job opportunities and future perspectives based on the region’s environmental strengths and the communities’ pride in managing their magnificent landscapes. Minimising the recruitment of youth and reintegrating ex-combatants functioned as a safeguard of the demobilisation process, leaving behind a dark past of violence and state abandonment.

The young people of “Brisas del Macizo” have a key participation in the activities promoted by the Interethnic and Intercultural Roundtable, a space formed, in principle, to resolve disputes between the indigenous communities, Afros and peasants, and which has helped build trust and seek common elements.

Reported elements of good practice

Key success factors for that win-win for peace ánd nature protection seem to lie in strong intercultural exchange and youth power. Other good practices to take forward from their example are:

Promote interethnic and intercultural structures to address problems and foster participation: The Interethnic and Intercultural Roundtable is a space formed initially to resolve difficulties in the relationship of the indigenous communities of 8 reservations (Yanacona and Inga), the Afro community, and farmers. It allowed them to build trust and search for common elements, within the diversity of interests that exist between them. The young people of “Brisas del Macizo” are key participants in the activities promoted by the Roundtable.

Ensure means for youth to act and take up responsibility: The youth of “Brisas del Macizo” conceptualised and coordinated activities which improved their self-esteem and their perspective of the future. The abovementioned diploma, and especially the training in ecotourism, were particularly successful in providing formative opportunities for young participants. These reiterated events and actions allowed them to raise awareness and empower young people in biological and cultural diversity, increase and achieve greater clarity on the issues of the political reality of the municipality, the region and the country.

Desafíos reportados

No reported challenges.

Lista de Verificación
No, the NbS has not been evaluated for its environmental impact
Evaluación del impacto en la paz y la seguridad: se ha identificado un impacto positivo en la paz y la seguridad.
Consultation of peace & security expert
Conflict analysis
Participación de la comunidad
Gender and inclusive programming
Sostenibilidad en caso de aumento de la violencia

Detalles prácticos de implementación.
To ensure the sustainability of the project, PAX has helped set up community-led conflict resolution mechanisms and alternative forms of employment. For example, PAX Colombia has worked with this community to support processes related to the Inter-ethnic and Intercultural Roundtable. Thus, in 2019, they supported the realization -together with other entities and organizations- of a diploma course in “Nature Tourism”, where with exploratory exercises of the territory and its legal bases, the Tutela Action that gave rise to the conservation and protection of the Amazon was socialized, which includes three municipalities of Cauca, among them Santa Rosa.

Método de seguimiento de los impactos ambientales y de paz.
The methods of monitoring environmental and peace impacts are unknown.

Futher reading