Breve descripción
In Aponte, the Inga people negotiated a communal fund to support the community and strengthen its governance when liberating the territory from the guerrillas, paramilitaries, and armed drug trafficking groups who, between 1986 and 2004, violated their territorial rights, degraded local ecosystems, and hindered the area’s sustainable development. After expelling these groups, the Inga people designated most of its territory as a sacred area of 17,500 hectares. The community was organised using a model of local governance based on a shared vision of justice and collective action to ensure health, education, community services, restoration of ecosystems and sustainable sources of livelihoods.
Propósito principal
Conservación/restauración de la biodiversidad,
Restauración de la tierra para aumentar la fertilidad del suelo/revertir la degradación de la tierra,
Reducción de la degradación ambiental derivada del uso sostenible de los recursos.
Igualdad y seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra,
Reducción de la explotación/caza furtiva de recursos ilegales,
Demobilization, disarmament and reintegration of combatants, Strengthening indigenous culture
Otros beneficios esperados
Food security,
Provision / protection / diversification of employment and livelihoods / poverty reduction

Contexto de conflicto
80% of the planet’s current biodiversity survives on the 30% of the Earth that is protected by indigenous peoples. Colonisation, war and drug trafficking are the most profitable and current economies in South America. Colombia has become one of the most dangerous territories for communities and defenders of human rights and the rights of nature, while it is the second most biodiverse country in the world and possesses 50% of the world’s páramos, with 115 indigenous peoples, 64 of whom are at risk of physical and cultural extinction due to the armed conflict. Wuasikamas addresses aspects of the conflict related to colonisation, deforestation, drug trafficking, war and extractivism.
In the 1990s, the indigenous Inga people of Aponte, a community of some 3,650 people at the time, were held hostage in their own territory for 12 years by guerrilla forces, paramilitaries and drug traffickers who filled their land of just 4,000 hectares with some 2,500 hectares of coca plantations. 500 hectares of illicit poppy plantations and became the epicentre of 10% of national production according to the UNODC; massacres, selective assassinations and displacements became the norm in a territory located some 900 kilometres by road from the capital city Bogotá. With more than 100 Inga people killed and thousands of hectares of their ancestral territory totally devastated by deforestation, in 2003 they turned to their traditional knowledge and master plant wisdom to say no more!
Contribuciones a la paz y la seguridad
Based on their ancestral principles of not stealing, not lying, not being lazy in order to live in harmony with the beings of nature, the Indigenous People of Aponte returned to their principle of being Wuasikamas, an expression in the Inga language that means ‘guardians of the territory’. By dint of arguments based on their mother tongue and inspired by their own history, they focused their internal dialogues in connection with grandfathers and grandmothers of the Siona, Cofán and Inga peoples to free themselves from the clutches of drug trafficking and armed groups, and to undertake an unprecedented process of territorial reorganisation and strengthening of cultural identity, which 20 years later, are sustained by economies based on nature. Community management achieved the titling of 22,000 hectares of land in favour of the Inga de Aponte indigenous community, of which 17,500 hectares are sacred area exclusively for the beings of nature and 4,500 hectares are for community survival, violent deaths and plantations of crops for illicit use were reduced to zero and governance was strengthened with the active participation of women, youth and elders, with indigenous education being the pillar that sustains the social, economic, environmental and spiritual advances in the present and future of the process.
Esta solución promueve la cohesión social porque todas las partes de la comunidad se reúnen para discutir primero los desafíos que enfrentan y sus causas. Se dan cuenta de que todos tienen los mismos desafíos creando unidad, una percepción compartida de los problemas. En este punto se les puede pedir que diseñen soluciones y qué se requiere para garantizar que las soluciones funcionen. El MEP realizó encuestas para comprender las percepciones locales sobre el bienestar y la seguridad multidimensional. Las respuestas incluyeron muchos elementos, pero la máxima prioridad era encontrar alimentos, agua y combustible para sus familias y su ganado. Todos ellos dependen de ecosistemas sanos, no degradados y productivos. Se valoró mucho el empoderamiento que implicaba poder crear y aplicar sistemas de gobernanza ambiental como elemento de seguridad y cohesión social.
Elementos de buenas prácticas reportados
- Through the establishment of judiciary, educational, and health services, the Inga people have created a solid institutional framework that enables them to exercise sovereignty over their territory.
- Natural regeneration and reforestation through organic production methods.
- In accordance with indigenous values, collective feeling of community and autonomy.
Desafíos reportados
There are no reported challenges.
Detalles prácticos de implementación.
Between 2018 and 2022, the Wuasikamas Movement was consolidated as an intercultural territorial management model as part of implementing Atun Wasi Iuiai-AWAI in the departments of Caquetá, Cauca, Putumayo, Nariño in Colombia and the provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos in Ecuador.
Método de seguimiento de los impactos ambientales y de paz.
The impact assessment has been carried out by means of a checklist on land use, flora and fauna regeneration and water care.